Proceedings, published by Elsevier, will be ready Oct.2005
ISBN 008 044237 4 |
You are cordially invited to attend and contribute to 5th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent
Autonomous Vehicles, IAV 2004 that will take place in Lisbon, from 5 to 7 July 2004.
The IAV2004 will provide an excellent opportunity for the presentation and
discussion of research and development work in the general area of intelligent
autonomous vehicles. Researchers and practitioners from the fields of land, air
and marine robotics will be brought together to discuss common theoretical and
practical problems, describe scientific and commercial applications and explore
avenues for future research.
This Symposium is the fifth of a series of IFAC-sponsored meetings in the
field of Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles held on a triennial basis. The last
two editions took place in Japan (IAV2001) and Spain (IAV98).
The Symposium topics include, but are not limited to:
- Architectures for intelligent autonomous systems;
- Control, Guidance, and Navigation of autonomous robots (indoors,
outdoors, land, space, marine): modeling and control, trajectory tracking and
path following, navigation systems, planning, recognition, localization, map
building, SLAM;
- Sensors and sensor integration in autonomous robots;
- Intelligent transportation systems;
- Service robotics, domestic robotics, rehabilitation and biomedical
robotics, field robotics, entertainment robotics, ocean exploration robots;
- Redundant robots, flexible robots, modular robots, micro-robots, legged
robots, humanoids;
- Multiple Vehicle Systems and Networks of Autonomous Vehicles: cooperative
navigation and control of homogeneous and heterogeneous teams, cooperative
control under severe communication bandwidth constraints, cooperative
perception, communications, architectures for teams of autonomous vehicles,
- Human and robot interaction;
- Applications of Autonomous Intelligent Vehicles: case studies and test
evaluations. Land (indoors and outdoors), marine (surface and underwater), aerial and space
- Science driven robotic developments: applications in marine biology and
geology, habitat mapping, environmental monitoring, mapping and surveillance,
search and rescuing operations, planetary surface exploration, agriculture,
manufacturing, service sector.